Saturday, September 5, 2009

Has It Come to This?

Sometimes there are these moments in a marriage when something happens that is so funny/ironic that both people realize it can only be fully understood by the two people who have been living the day in day out of this third thing called marriage.

One of those moments happened yesterday.

I'm suffering from a bad case of age anxiety. I have it so bad that I had to rely on my husband to make every decision about what I wore yesterday to an interview.

This is the same husband who once fought the fight and now waits patiently before any significant social event for me to lay out everything he will wear. For routine social events, when I say, "you should wear X shoes instead," he changes his shoes without argument.

Yesterday we went through a combo of five or more outfits. He narrowed it down. He made the final decisions. He postponed his ride until I was out the door. These pants or these? This shoe or this? These earrings or these?

I went without the suit, without the outfit that the lovely, early 30s sales lady talked me into yesterday, and without any jacket at all. Quelle horror! A first interview without a jacket? I called V. for final word and she concurred with the new fashion head of household.

Turns out he was dead on. I felt immediately at ease when I met my potential future boss, and I made the cut for the second interview.


painted fish studio said...

congrats on the 2nd interview! i haaattttte interviews, and always stress about what to wear - i always have.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post because it reminded me of the "give and take" relationship my husband and I have. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post because it reminded me of the "give and take" relationship my husband and I have. Thanks!