Friday, May 29, 2009

Entering Other Worlds

Yesterday Jeff and I volunteered at one of my favorite elementary schools for their once-every-two-year Ohlone Indian simulation. One, unusual little girl about seven years old had quite the series of back-to-back conversations with Jeff:


Girl (G): Who ARE you?
Jeff (J): Jeff
G: How OLD are you?
J: 50 (fibbing slightly)
G: No. You're two.


J: Which station was your favorite so far?
G: The one out on the field.
J: Oh, why?
G: Because my mom was out there.
J: Ohhhh, is she one of the teachers?
G: My mom is dead.
J: Oh, I am SO sorry.
G: My mom is not dead.
J: Oh.
G: But she's dead. But she's not dead. She's dead.


G: Did you eat breakfast this morning?
J: Yes.
G: What did you have?
J: Oatmeal, cranberries, yogurt.
G: That's VERY inbalanced.
J: Why are you asking what I had for breakfast?
G: Well, you're so SKINNY.
J: Well, what did you have for breakfast?
G: Chocolate cake.


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